Get your computer fixed at Computer Technical Fix

Comsco LLC Remote Computer Repair Get It Fixed Contact Us

Welcome to the Computer Technical Support Site

Online Computer Support Starting at $69.95
We fix your computer or you don't have to pay for it*

Get your own technical support staff

We will fix your computer problems, install or re-install, uninstall, and repair programs, anti-virus or firewalls if needed, fix viruses, perform system maintenance, or any other process that needs done to get your computer running to its highest efficiency, all for $69.95. We also offer service desk, incident management, problem management, change management, and service-level agreement (SLA) management. Please back up your data first and then contact us. If you need help with data backup you can also contact us and we can do that first. Go here to get your Computer Technical Fix right now

If you are a business, go here

We can remotely logon to your computer for a price that is more reasonable than taking it to the computer repair shop. We guarantee our work.

Please call from 12 Noon to 12 PM EST (9 AM to 9 PM Pacific)

Please call 1-972-999-4700 - VoIP toll free for service or if you have questions

E-mail us and Computer Technical Fix will return the call to you within 24 hours

For Programming Reference Help